About Us

What's Zete all about?
Zeta Delta Xi is a gender-inclusive fraternity--we accept members of all gender identities, and all are considered brothers of the house and have equal standing.
Being a member of Zete can greatly enhance your college experience. While keeping with the spirit of our favorite motto “Have a good time all the time,” many Zetes have graduated with honors or advanced degrees and have gone on to prestigious graduate, medical, or law schools.
It’s very difficult to define just what it means to be a brother of Zeta Delta Xi; that’s something that pledging focuses heavily on. Perhaps one of the best analogies would be to compare Zete to a large family; we’re there for each other in good times and bad.
What kind of people are Zetes?
Zetes come in all shapes, colors, and flavors. Our members represent many diverse ethnicities, cultures, and religions. Zetes also vary in their interests; while some study computer science or physics, others enjoy religious studies or visual arts. Zetes are also involved in chorus, martial arts, theatre, orchestra, political activism, varsity sports, a capella, and many other activities.
The underlying tie between the members of Zete is that we all share the desire to be a part of a community; a house that acts as a home away from home. Zetes can be introverts or extroverts, but we’re all friendly, good-natured people who want to have a good time.
Why should I join Zete?
People join Zete for a wide variety of reasons, but each and every member usually feels a need to contribute to the house, to help make Zete a better place for all of us.
Another benefit of Zete is great housing, located right on Patriot's Court by the Ratty. We have a fully-stocked private bar and kitchen, a game room with foosball, a full-sized pool table, and a TV with all the streaming services and gaming consoles you could ask for. Our TV room is equipped with surround sound, a projector, and plush stadium seating, as well as a library. The Zete lounge is perfectly suited for throwing large social events, such as the cocktail parties that we’ll be hosting throughout the year, and the two major dance parties we throw every semester.
Zete elders (alumni) have a strong bond with the house and many still visit regularly. Knowing Zete elders provides good connections for internships and jobs in many major industries and occupations.
How do I join Zete?
There is a three-week period in the spring called “Rush.” At the end of this period, Zete offers bid cards to those whom we believe would make great additions to our community. Turning in the bid card to Residential Life indicates that you have accepted Zete’s offer to pledge.
However, don’t wait until spring to learn about the many exciting opportunities here at Zete. Feel free to drop by anytime for a tour, to meet the brothers, or just to hang out. We’re used to getting visitors, so don’t be embarrassed to knock at our door… just make sure you knock really loud (or maybe even kick it… we do all the time).
What's pledging all about?
Pledging is the one experience shared by all brothers and elders. Pledging is one of those “secret” aspects of Zete that really can’t be written here on this page. However, what we can tell you about pledging is that it builds friendships and bonds with your pledge class and the house. It does not involve any form of hazing (i.e. forced drinking, forced nudity, or forced humiliation). Most Zetes agree that pledging is a uniquely fun experience that has enriched their experience at Brown and life in general.
Those who complete pledging become brothers of the house forever after.
Who can I contact for more info?
There are a variety of people at Zete who are available to answer any questions you might have. One of the best places to start is with the house president. Their email address is zete@zete.org. You can also follow or DM us on Instagram @zetadeltaxi!